Embark on deep self discovery and personal transformation with a holistic Integral coaching program and the wisdom of the Enneagram.

Understand your deeper motivations, uncover your limiting patterns, and make radical change happen in your life and work.

This is for you if you want to:

  • Move into a new way of being in the world, and find radically different ways of approaching situations

  • Work with a holistic and individualized Integral coaching program that incorporates all parts of yourself and your life

  • Better understand why you do what you do through understanding your Enneagram type and your relation to it

  • Move beyond reactivity and limited options to explore new possibilities in interacting with the world

  • Address a deeply-held pattern or issue in your life and work with it with honesty and self-reflection

Jess, Toronto.

“The work we did together was deep and lasting. Your knowledge of the Enneagram and the way that you used it to integrate it with my personal situation opened up so much for me. I felt like I was taking blinders off and using a new form of intelligence to move through the world.”

This coaching will provide you with:

  • An understanding of your Enneagram type and Instinct (using a personalized typing process and IEQ9 assessment)

  • Deep awareness on how you might be getting in your own way

  • An Integral coaching program designed for you to address a specific challenge or opportunity in your life that you would like to find new approaches for

  • Increased personal freedom and capacity to handle new and challenging situations

Embark on deep self discovery and let go of ways of being that are no longer serving you.

This process is a path of personal growth that focuses on deeply held beliefs that keep us locked in outdated patterns of behaviour.

Deep growth & transformation Package & Pricing

Package details:

  • Occurs over the span of about 6 months

  • Over 10 hours of Zoom coaching time

  • Includes identification of your Core Type and Instinct using the Integrative Enneagram Assessment, as well as a typing session to ensure you have found an accurate typing

The process:

  1. Discovery Session (1 hour): Uncover where you’re at, where you’ve been so far, and where you want to go

  2. Integrative Enneagram Assessment (30 minutes)

  3. Typing session (1 hour): Using your Integrative Enneagram results, we’ll explore your connection to the motivation of your type and how it might be showing up in your life

  4. Coaching Program Development Session (1.5 hours): Combining your Enneagram results with an area of growth you would like to work with, we’ll create a general structure for a coaching program

  5. Coaching Sessions (8 x 75 minutes): Sessions every 2-3 weeks focused on using the Enneagram to work with situations arising in your life and develop new ways of responding to it


  • $5,950 CAD + HST

I can’t wait to work with you.